Dr Martinez to publish her first and only fictional novel coming this Winter

Cutting Edge Research that is out of this World

Sontag Entrepreneurship Competition

After winning first place and 50,000 at the Sontag Entrepreneurship competition through the college of business sat UNR, Dr Martinez wins first place at the first ever annual Launch Nevada and Ozmen Center for Entrepreneurship Pitch Competition
Nevada Academy Of Family Physicians

The Nevada Academy of Family Physicians highlights the importance of MarkerMesh, a neonatal protection device that protects newborns from life threatening injuries during routine circumcisions
Dr Bridget Martinez, MD PhD, receives Horatio Alger Alumna of the Year Award

Dr Martinez is honored for her perseverance, impact on her community and ability to defy all obstacles with its 2022 Alumna of the year. This award recognizes exceptional leaders, who go above and beyond in their service to the organization and their communities, despite having faced significant adversity and personal challenges in their journey to […]
Aliquam eu dui nulla. Donec

Aliquam eu dui nulla. Donec commodo magna orci, a pulvinar ante aliquam sed. Proin egestas sem eget mi egestas, vel venenatis quam hendrerit. Morbi nisi ex, egestas sed luctus eget, maximus vel dui. Sed vel ipsum ante. Sed dui erat, sollicitudin nec vestibulum id, condimentum eget justo. Proin volutpat velit erat, nec placerat ex iaculis […]
Suspendisse sit amet nunc nunc

Suspendisse sit amet nunc nunc. Aenean pretium ultricies dui, sed placerat enim egestas quis. Aliquam quis velit in enim suscipit fringilla non at nisi. Praesent malesuada tincidunt ultrices. Integer pretium neque a pretium interdum. Duis tincidunt dui nulla, quis tincidunt arcu convallis in. Morbi vestibulum eleifend tortor, sit amet faucibus urna. Cras semper et lectus […]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetu

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sagittis odio eu lectus aliquet rutrum. Vivamus pellentesque lectus eu turpis maximus, a venenatis lorem efficitur. Suspendisse id quam mauris. Aliquam ligula lacus, ultrices id aliquet id, fermentum at arcu. Donec sapien leo, ullamcorper nec felis sit amet, euismod pellentesque risus. Fusce interdum non dui id […]
Dr Bridget Martinez, MD PhD, receives research funding for travel to Argentina to elucidate the potential clinical impact of Rh-negative blood types among the Basques

Dr Martinez awarded grant allowing her to expand her research into novel functions of red blood cells in the field of immunology factors causing the high incidence of Rh-negative blood typing among the Basque population, Bridget Martinez, M.D., Ph-D. (PGY2, University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine. UNR Med, Family Medicine Residency) will travel to […]
Dr Bridget Martinez, MD PhD wins the Silver Paw Award for her Civic Engagement

BRIDGET MARTINEZ M.D., Ph.D.(PGY2,Family Medicine Residency), has been named one of the 2022-2023 Silver paw award winners,a recognition program sponsored by the ASUN center for Student engagement at the university of Nevada,Reno.The award celebrates students who have made exemplary contributions to their community through civic engagement. Xabier Irujo, Ph.D., the Center for Basque Studies Director, […]